Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement – National Lockdown January 2021
Following the government’s announcement on Monday 04.01.2021 placing the UK back in full lock down during this latest phase of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic we would like to reassure our staff, customers and suppliers that we will remain open for business throughout the forth coming lockdown and to reiterate it is very much business as usual at Envirotect Ltd.
It has been stated that the construction and manufacturing industry is deemed a critical part of our economy and can continue to operate under the latest rules and guidelines, including travel and delivery into cross Tier areas.
Envirotect are committed to putting the health and welfare of our staff, customers and suppliers first and foremost and we will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and follow the latest government guidelines taking all the necessary precautionary measures to ensure a safe working environment for everyone concerned.
Whilst still maintaining the high standards of service our customers have come to expect of Envirotect and having concluded a thorough review of our procedures during the first lockdown, we have made a number of changes to our day-to-day operations. These operational changes have stayed in place and are under constant review and we will be working harder than ever to ensure all orders and operations are processed as usual throughout this latest lock down.
Envirotect Opening Hours 07:30 – 16:00hrs Monday-Friday
Please keep safe and well!