Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement – Update
At these unprecedented times Envirotect Limited will continue to open to support our NHS in their time of need. Our NHS is experiencing very high levels of demand and it is more important than ever that we continue with construction of vital work within the healthcare sector. Envirotect will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and follow guidance based on the current information as issued by the British Government, the World Health Organisation and Public Health England.
Envirotect Limited will follow the amended procedures as set out below as we understand what a vital role we have to play in controlling the spread of this disease:
- Our office will be open from 07:30 – 16:00 hrs Monday to Fridayuntil further notice.
- Employees will be working on a skeleton basis both within the office and our workshop to limit contact.
- Those employees who can will work from home.
- Strict guidelines have been put into place regarding social distancing both internally within our office and workshop and on external sites.
- Ensuring employees have access to appropriate hygiene facilities such as hot water, soap, paper towels, and waste bins to dispose of used tissues and paper towels.
- Hand sanitiser have been issued to those on external sites and will also be held in our cars and vans.
- Employees are encouraged to adhere to the official guidelines in their own personal time and activities.
- We will advise employees to self-isolate when required.
- Our employees on site will be guided by the advice of the main contractor and follow the procedures they require in this regard. These are likely to include things such as access and exit routes for personnel and deliveries, hygiene controls and changes required to ensure personal safety.
- Updates and additions to any of these procedures will be communicated to our employees by Tool Box Talks and notices displayed on our notice board.
Please keep safe and well!